Who is the Nut House Mama?

I am Andie, a fifty-something mom and grandma, and wife to a long-time aviation nut. I love being out in God's creation, experiencing the vast variety of landscapes and people that make up our planet. I am especially fond of the mountains and of the ocean and am most at peace in a mountain meadow or watching the waves crash at the ocean shore. (My heart belongs to the mountains but my soul belongs to the sea...) I have worked as a certified medical assistant, a ministry leader, and an artist (yes, I have actually used my degree in art!) but my real "job" is serving the LORD however He leads me and wherever I am. The LORD has taught me much through the ups and downs of life and the importance of holding to Him, especially when life is crazy. (And it's been crazy - this is how I earned the name "Nut House Mama" from family and friends.) I am a follower of Jesus, a believer in prayer and miracles, the healing power of humor, hope, and hugs, and paying it forward.
I love to travel, create, write, and I appreciate a fine, icy craft beer at the end of a long day.
Here at Nuthousemama.com you can find links to purchase the coloring books I've published (Coloring Books tab), a tutorial on prayer doodling (Prayer Doodles tab), my blog (Blog tab) and some of my favorite inspirational quotes, photos and art (Inspiration tab). I also have a page with ideas for enriching your own prayer practices on my Praying page. There you will find yideas for their own prayer practices, tips on getting started and even sample prayers I've written or collected over the years.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the contact form at the bottom of the pages.